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Yellow Wax Bells Care Must-Knows

Yellow wax bells thrive in moist, shaded sites. Plants can tolerate 4 to 5 hours of sunlight if the soil is consistently moist. This easy-to- grow perennial thrives in deep, humus-rich soil. When selecting a planting place for yellow wax bells, keep in mind that the plant matures to 3 to 4½ feet tall. Plant it near the back of the border where it has space to expand without blocking other plants from view. Plant nursery-grown transplants in spring or early summer. Spread a 2-inch- thick layer of mulch around plants to prevent soil moisture loss. To establish a strong root system the first year, water plants well throughout the season. Get mulch techniques here. Yellow wax bells bloom in late summer or fall. The plant’s shrub-like habit decorates the garden beginning in early summer through the first frost. The sturdy, almost woody stems remain upright throughout the growing season, and yellow wax bells rarely need staking. Cut plants back to ground level in fall after the foliage dies.

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