What Is MCT Oil?

MCT Oil Benefits

When MCTs are consumed, they have a high burn rate in your body (meaning it takes less time to digest), which can boost your metabolism in the process. Studies reveal consuming MCT oil could contribute to weight loss by decreasing food intake and increasing metabolic health. According to Emily Gonzalez, N.D. and scientific affairs manager at Bulletproof, MCT oil also helps provide sustained energy throughout the day and is considered “brain food.” “What’s particularly great about MCTs as opposed to other fats is that they are converted to ketones, an energy source for the body, and are not stored in the body’s fat cells,” Gonzalez says. So if you’re on a low-carb keto diet, your liver turns fat into ketones to feed your brain.

Where to Buy MCT Oil

How to Use MCT Oil

As mentioned earlier, MCT oil is clear and flavorless, and Gonzalez points out it’s easily added to whatever you are eating or drinking. Perhaps the most common way is by adding to your morning cup of coffee, but you can use MCT oil in your salad dressing, smoothies, and other non-cooked foods (it has a low smoke point, so avoid using MCT oil where heat is involved). So should you add MCT oil to your diet? The research is certainly promising, but there’s still a lot more info to uncover. It’s a wise idea to talk to your doctor or dietitian before incorporating MCT oil into your morning coffee routine.