Velvet Groundsel Care

Velvet groundsel grows best in full sun and well-drained soil. It tolerates a range of soil types and has good drought resistance, although it grows best with occasional rainfall or irrigation during long dry periods. Velvet groundsel can be grown in shade, although it will not flower as much. Choose a planting location that is protected from strong winds as its large leaves become tattered on windy sites. Plant velvet groundsel in winter or early spring. Water plants well and continue to water weekly during the first 6 months. Spread a 2-inch-thick layer of mulch over the soil surface to prevent soil moisture from evaporating and to encourage a strong root system. Hardy to 20°F, velvet groundsel can freeze to the ground and resprout when temperatures rise above its cold tolerance. Expect velvet groundsel to bloom in winter or spring. Its burgundy flower buds open to reveal bright yellow daisylike flower clusters. Flowers decorate the plant for weeks in spring. Learn about more flowering shribs to fill your yard.