Learn more about bird’s nest spruce. Learn about the best fast-growing trees for your landscape.

Test Garden Tip: Make a bold statement by selecting varieties that offer different shapes and colors, but stay compact so they don’t outgrow their space. ‘Blue Shag’ white pine, ‘Montgomery’ blue spruce, and ‘Silver Whispers’ Swiss stone pine are smaller selections that combine beautifully with ‘Profusion White’ zinnia, for example.

Discover top plants for growing as hedges.

Learn more about fanciful pruning.

Test Garden Tip: Pay attention to plant shapes. Tall, upright evergreens (such as narrow ‘Iseli Fastigiate’ blue spruce and ‘Medora’ juniper) create wonderful contrasts with mounded perennials and grasses, for example.

Learn more about blue spruce.

Learn more about dwarf Alberta spruce.

Learn more about creeping blue spruce.

Learn more about boxwood.

Learn more about junipers.

Learn more about Austrian pine.

Learn more about rhododendrons. Learn more about camellias.

Learn more about ‘Chief Joseph’ pine. Learn more about ‘Horstmann’s Silberlocke’ Korean fir.

Want more? See our other tips for taming a slope!