But soon, worrying about watering may be a thing of the past, thanks to the new terraplanter. This innovative gadget launched on Kickstarter and has raised over $6 million. It takes all the guesswork out of keeping your plants hydrated.

How terraplanter Works

Terraplanter is like an inside-out container; instead of putting plants in it, this pot has a network of tiny grooves around the outside where you place seeds. A reservoir in the middle holds all the water needed. The ceramic planter material is porous enough to let some water seep through without flooding the seeds; there’s always just the right amount of moisture available. Soon, the seeds will sprout and start forming roots across terraplanter’s surface. The design makes it impossible to overwater whatever you’re growing; the roots will just absorb what they need. Remember to refill the reservoir when it starts to run low to keep your plants happy. (The creators estimate that it might need refilling every five to 15 days, depending on what you’re growing). Eventually, when your plants have filled in more, you’ll hardly see the planter; it’ll almost look like your houseplants are growing out of nowhere.

terraplanter’s Design

Terraplanter’s design was inspired by how plants naturally grow in rainforests and other environments (some can survive just growing on a log or across a tree). Creators Eran Zarhi, Elad Burko, and Roy Burko wanted to design a hydroponic container that works with how plants grow naturally, while making it easier for anyone to enjoy houseplants. Every terraplanter has three parts: The central column for holding water and placing seeds, a base for catching any drops of water that spill out, and a lid for the top to keep the standing water covered.

Best Way to Use terraplanter

Some plants, such as certain herbs, need to develop long roots, so they probably aren’t the best choice for growing in a terraplanter long term. However, many plants, including edible microgreens such as chia or flax, and plants that grow near a water source, such as orchids, ferns, and begonias, will thrive in a terraplanter. The planter doesn’t include the seeds, but it does come with a guide for growing plants in it and recommendations for plants that will work best. Suppose you’re forgetful about watering houseplants like I am, or maybe you overwater. In that case, terraplanter offers a solution to both ends of the plant parenthood spectrum. It couldn’t get any easier than placing a few seeds in the grooves, filling them with water, setting the terraplanter in a bright spot, and letting nature do the rest. Plus, this container provides a unique way to vertically display your favorite houseplants.