Show your mom friends how much they mean to you with one of these ideas that go beyond an ordinary gift.

Support New Moms

Many of us fondly remember welcoming visitors to the hospital to meet our babies. After we left the hospital, those first few weeks at home were filled with new and overwhelming experiences. Give a new mom the gift of your attention and care. Let new moms know they’re not alone with a thoughtful first Mother’s Day gift or by organizing a welcome home party. Decorate their yard, front door, or windows with signs of love and encouragement to the new family. Then ask them when you can come by for a visit to see how they’re doing. While you’re there, ask what more you can do to help. Even if they say they’re okay, consider dropping off groceries or bringing a home-cooked meal. Delivering diapers and wipes is another thoughtful gesture that will save them from having to place a last-minute online grocery store order or run out to the store with a fussy baby. A sleep-deprived mom with fluctuating hormone levels is going to feel big feelings. So reach out regularly via texts and phone to let them know they’re not alone on their first Mother’s Day.

Lift Up Your Mom Friends

Whether you’ve been friends since college and meet regularly for lunch or your biggest gal pal social gatherings are during your son’s baseball tournaments, seeing your mom friends regularly is therapeutic. Host a Zoom happy hour for moms at home with little ones, or start a book group—you can find book suggestions on TikTok using the hashtag #booktok. Spending time together and venting all your frustrations (just like you do on the sidelines) will make you feel closer, even if you can’t get together in person all the time. For a special Mother’s Day video call, give your mom tribe a DIY craft kit from a local retailer, such as AR Workshop (they even have complete crafting party kits you can order), and work on your projects together either in person or at a Zoom gathering. It will make a fun keepsake for you to have to help remember your mom days together. You could also brighten their day with a small gift or a handwritten Mother’s Day card. If you’re looking for a fun way to spoil a big group of mom friends, plan a Secret Santa-style Mother’s Day gift exchange or organize an accessories swap so you can all find a new handbag or necklace to enjoy.

Show Working Moms Some Love

Give working moms extra attention if their job is extra-stressful or tiring. Thank them by treating them to a nice dinner with gift cards to a favorite restaurant. If you have extra time on your hands, make them a special snack (these are our favorite homemade food gifts), mow their lawn while they’re at work, or leave them flowers for their front porch. Sending a card to let them know they’re appreciated can go a long way to boosting their spirit. Be sure to reach out regularly to your single mom friends. They feel like the weight of the world is on their shoulders and don’t always have someone to talk to. Be that friend. Let them know you’ve got their back. Check in regularly with text messages. Give her a break from cooking by dropping off a homemade meal. Brighten her day with a bouquet of dried flowers ($59, Urban Stems) that will last for years and an encouraging card that reminds her she’s doing great—even when she’s exhausted. Gift her an adult coloring book or new crafting supplies so she can get creative right alongside the kids.

Encourage Empty Nest Moms

Moms don’t worry any less when their kids are out of the house. In fact, some mothers worry more because they can’t wrap their arms around their kas way they did when they were small. And if they’re also grandmothers…forget about it! Give moms with grown children gifts that will give them a creative outlet. A novel to read, a book of Sudoku games, crafting supplies, crossword puzzle books, and puzzles—like this Votes for Women Puzzle ($22, Uncommon Goods)—are all great options. Or, schedule flowers to be delivered to brighten her day and let her know you’re thinking of her. If she has grandkids, have them each draw or paint her a picture or have them write her a letter. Regardless of what stage of motherhood your friend or loved one is in, she can always use a little extra support. Letting her know you’re thinking of her doesn’t take a lot. A simple note with an uplifting message or a package of homemade chocolate chip cookies left on her doorstep is all it takes to let her know she matters.