Joy Cho, founder and creative director of Oh Joy!

It’s impossible to look at anything from Oh Joy! without a smile on your face. The unapologetically bright and fluorescent lifestyle and design company comes from Joy Cho — the mastermind behind it all. There isn’t much she can’t do. Cho’s wide range of products includes rainbow home decor for Target, tropical dog bow ties for Petco, and even polka-dot Band-Aids. The mom, wife, and author has been named one of Time Magazine’s 30 Most Influential People on the Internet, and, of course, her Instagram is a treat to look at.

Where do you draw your inspiration from?

“I’m constantly finding inspiration wherever I go! Pre-pandemic, I would make time every week to get out of my normal routine and environment and go to new places. One of my favorite places for inspiration right now is the Japanese grocery stores in downtown LA. They have so many fun products and colorful snacks and packaging that you can’t find anywhere else. Since my outings have been very limited this past year, and I am not back to my normal excursions, I have been finding inspiration in making new things … whether drawing with my kids or getting a bunch of crafts materials and just creating without any pressure!”

What is a lesson you learned in 2020?

“For years, I never enjoyed the present. I was always looking to what’s next. My next set of goals, how things would eventually be if I worked more, harder, kept pushing. 2020 came with lots of emotions, change, loss, and a serious shift in my mindset. For once, I didn’t have that constant feeling of hustle because I simply couldn’t hustle in the same way I previously could. It felt weird at first … had I lost my drive? Did I no longer have the ambition to achieve and grow? Instead of overthinking it, I let it be and enjoyed and appreciated the now. I was finally finding my voice on social media and speaking up about issues that mattered to me. Things were good. And I was present.”

Samantha Lee, ceramist, illustrator, and owner of Dusted and Blue

There’s a beautiful simplicity to Samantha Lee’s artwork that requires a special eye and mastery. Her illustrations are often in muted colors, leaving room to appreciate the intricate details and fine lines in her work that often feature landscapes like whitewater rivers and the peaks of Yosemite. Beyond her drawings, Lee also works with clay at her San Fransisco studio, Dusted and Blue, incorporating earth tones and making each bowl, cup, and mug by hand, shaping it until it forms into the sculpture she imagines.

Where do you find your creative inspiration?

“My drive and inspiration come from multiple channels—it’s playing with new tools, learning a new process or skill, it’s traveling, it’s hiking, it’s experiencing, it’s feeling an emotion. I get strikes of ideas from seeing a photo, experiencing a space, hiking a really difficult path, or even just piecing and arranging a room together. Sometimes I’ll get a new idea from simply making something. I think that’s why my work isn’t just one medium, because I pull inspiration from so many sources.”

What is something you learned in 2020?

“You can say 2020 was a blur, but the takeaway point for me was that anytime you make plans, learn to work with the constant changes. In this case, it was shutting down my pottery studio, reopening with new mandates that changed every month, or watching many of my clients move out of the city. The ultimate thing I learned, though, was to trust that your community, neighbors, and people you surround yourself with will help you through these difficult times. Without them, I wouldn’t have made it through 2020.”

Allison Teng, owner and editor of Curvy Girl Chic

If you’re needing some fashion inspo—look no further than Allison Teng, a self-proclaimed shopaholic, and amazing fashionista. Teng is Chinese American and born and raised in California. She is the creator of Curvy Girl Chic, a plus-size fashion blog that features Teng’s tasteful style as well as her reviews and takes on current trends. From styling ripped denim to pulling off those super-cute midriff tops, Teng’s blog and social media feeds are must follows.

Where do you find your fashion inspiration?

“I absolutely love to travel, so a lot of my fashion inspiration has come from seeing fashion trends all over the world! Since traveling hasn’t been possible this past year, I’ve been soaking up the incredible outfits shared by women in the plus-size community!”

What is something you learned in 2020?

“2020 really made me appreciate the things I had long taken for granted, like being able to see friends and family whenever I wanted to, being able to travel, and even heading into the office to crank out some work undisturbed! As difficult as the past year was, it was also a great reminder of just how much we can accomplish when we come together for the safety and benefit of our community. So grateful for the health care and essential workers who keep us going!”

Kat Jamieson, creator and writer of With Love from Kat

If you need to know the latest fashion trends, best things to do in Las Vegas, or how to give your living room more oomph—Kat Jamieson is the resource for you. Jamieson started her blog, With Love from Kat, more than a decade ago to share her best travel tips. Her insider knowledge brings people to the hippest coffee shops, most beautiful landscapes, and must-stop shops—with tips on what to wear while doing them. If you’re getting ready to book some airline tickets and are itching to travel, make sure to check out her blog and her Instagram.

Where do you find your fashion inspiration?

“I am inspired by chic women I see on the street when I travel, classic fashion icons from the 1960s like Jackie Kennedy and Audrey Hepburn, and street-style photos from Pinterest.”

What is something you learned in 2020?

“I learned how to REALLY cook. I knew how to cook the basics before, but honed my skills on a whole new level in 2020 with all of the time spent at home. I’m so happy that I was able to take the time to learn because it’s a skill I had wanted to perfect, and I now feel confident in the kitchen!”