If you check out social media, sweet potato toast is everywhere. On Instagram, the #sweetpotatotoast has more than 33,000 posts. Tik Tok users are also sharing their creations, including one of my favorites, vegan actress Tabitha Brown. There are a few different ways to prepare your potato. You can microwave sweet potato slices and then pop one in the toaster, or you can boil whole sweet potatoes, slice them after, and then toast them. Personally, I slice mine first and then roast them in the oven. (No toaster is involved, but I still consider it toast.) I leave the skin on, but you can peel it off if you’re not a fan. Although sweet potatoes are, obviously, slightly sweet, you can make them savory, too. One popular way to dress up your sliced potato is to add mashed avocado, eggs, and everything but the bagel seasoning. Another tasty option is to slather on peanut butter, top with diced bananas, and drizzle with honey. My favorite way is to take a Japanese sweet potato, which is creamier than the other varieties (and is the best type, in my humble opinion). Then, I top my slices (because who can have just one?) with avocado and strawberries. I finish them off with a drizzle of chipotle Cholula hot sauce ($3, Target). It might sound strange, but it’s sweet, savory, smokey, and delicious. Don’t knock it ’til you try it. Sweet potatoes are packed with fiber, vitamins, and they also happen to be naturally gluten-free, in case you have celiac disease or just want to avoid the wheat protein. Although I’ll always love bread, sweet potato toast is a delicious, nutritious swap. It might just be the best thing since sliced bread.