Test Garden Tip: Asparagus is hardy in Zones 3-9, but it’s best to select varieties designed for your climate. For example, ‘Jersey Giant’ is a good bet for northern areas with long, cold winters. In warmer regions, try ‘UC-157’. Test Garden Tip: Good drainage is very important for preventing root rot. If you have heavy clay soil, consider planting your asparagus crowns in raised beds. Test Garden Tip: Keep weeds at bay with a 4-6 inch layer of mulch applied once the shoots start to appear. Test Garden Tip: Choose spears with tightly closed tips. Once they start to leaf out, they’ll become too tough to eat. Stop harvesting once the new shoots are smaller around than a pencil. Test Garden Tip: After cutting down the foliage in fall, gently rake away any mulch and add a 2-inch layer of compost. Then rake the mulch back on top. This will provide the plants with nutrients, while continuing to improve the soil.